dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011


1 kg of squid
olive oil
2 or 3 garlic cloves
2 onions
1 small tablespoon of thyme
1 bay leaf
1 glass of wihte wine
4 tomatoes
100g of almonds
30g of black chocolat


Clean the squit, remove the skin and cut into rings.

Put oil in a skillet and fry the garlic and almonds. When making color, put in the "morter".

Put a little of oil into the same skillet and fry the very small pieces of onion. After, put the squid, bay leaf and thyme. Put the wihte wine and waiting to evaporate the alcohol.

Add the pieces of tomatoes, salt and pepper.

Cook all on low heat for 1 hour, until the squid is tender.

Prepare a minced with the garlic, black chocolate, almonds and put a bit of sauce "de la que hi ha al foc". When the chcoclate is melt, put them into the squid skillet.

Remove the squid until the sauce is thick and put the parsley.