diumenge, 6 de novembre del 2011


INGREDIENTS (for 6 persons)

150g of flour
100g of “llard” (fat of pork)
75g of sugar
1 glass of “anis”
1 egg


We mix the flour, the egg, 25g of sugar, the “anis”, the “llard” and salt to a obtain a mass homogeneous.

On a table with flour we stretch the mass. We cut a strips and put together an end to the other.

Now we fry them. Take out to pan and we put them on a paper napkin. Finally sugar is spread on.

2 comentaris:

  1. Another good desert recipe!! I can recommend you a blog of a friend of mine called Gemma.
    It's this one: http://blogs.cuina.cat/lacuinadecasa/

  2. Thanks! Gemma's blog is very interesting!
