divendres, 8 de juny del 2012
1 mango peeled and chopped
400g of grapes not too large
1 avocado
2 blocks
Orange marmalade
1 lemon
In a bowl or salad bowl, we add shredded lettuce, a mango, peeled and cut into cubes, grapes cut in half, and apple peeled and diced too, and avocado exactly the same. In another bowl, make a salsa mayonnaise gathering with a few tablespoons of orange marmalade and a few drops of lemon, stirring and tasting until you get the flavor you want. Finally, mix the sauce with lettuce and fruit, and stir well to mix all ingredients.
1 sheet of pastry
3 small baskets of blueberries
80 g sugar
The grated peel of half a lemon
A dash of rum - 3 cookies "María"
1 tablespoon icing sugar
Wash the blueberries, place in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and lemon zest and sprinkle with rum.
Lining the pastry with a cast of 24 cm in diameter and prick the bottom with a fork. Crumble the crackers thin, distribute crumbs evenly over the dough and cover with drained blueberries.
Place the cake in the oven, preheated to 200 ° and bake for 25-30 min. Remove from oven, let cool, sprinkle with icing sugar and serve.
1 zucchini
1kg lean ground beef
10 olives
4 eggs
1 onion
1 bell pepper
soy sauce
green seasoning
Boil the eggs.
Make the sauce of onions and peppers and seasonings and add the minced meat and a dash of soy sauce, when cooked meat add chopped boiled eggs. Make a puree with the zucchini.
Place in a roasting pan coated with oil and sprinkled with bread crumbs, a layer of zucchini puree, then the meat filling and cover with more pure.
Put a little butter and grated cheese over to broil and bake.
150 g. raw almonds
2 large garlic cloves
The crumb of a half loaf of bread
200g of grapes
Cold water
Put the bread crumbs soaked in cold water for 20 min. Peel the almonds, so we put it in a ladle with water and we boil and softens the skin is very easy to remove. In the bowl of a blender put the drained bread crumbs, garlic, almonds and aliñamos with salt, oil and vinegar to taste. Beat all well, add cold water until the desired thickness and pour into a bowl. We leave in the fridge until chilled. When serving, add grapes (peeled or not).
7 medium potatoes
1 clove of garlic
1 jar of mayonnaise small
chopped parsley
First we put on to cook the potatoes with their skin in water. Once cooked, the peel, the we break into pieces and put salt. Next, prepare the aioli sauce, mix the mayonnaise (if we want to stay even richer, it would be desirable to make a homemade mayonnaise) with the crushed garlic with a mortar. When potatoes are cool, we add the garlic sauce and sprinkle with chopped parsley
1 egg
1 cup olive oil
A few drops of vinegar or lemon
First, put the egg, olive oil, vinegar and salt in a bowl high.
Enter the mixer to the bottom of the bowl, and put into operation without moving to anywhere.
Once you start to curdle the seasonings, you can go up gradually whisk and moving it up and down until the desired thickness.
½ cup sugar
100 g cocoa powder
20 biscuits
1 cup of black coffee
4 eggs
1 small glass of liquor (amaretto if possible)
1 carton double cream 250ml
250 g of cheese "Mascarpone"
First we have to ride the cream. To do this we must first put the carton in the freezer for a few minutes so that the cream is cold. This is required to ride properly. Once the cream is cold, the cast in a bowl with half the sugar, assemble in a blender. Then cascamos eggs, separating whites in a bowl and the yolks in another. In a bowl put the mascarpone cheese, and mix with the yolks, gradually adding the remaining sugar. (It is important to go gently mixing slowly). In another bowl, we'll have to mount the egg whites until stiff, and once we have them mounted, together cream, with cheese mixture and egg whites, but mixing everything very carefully and slowly, getting the mix. Once we have this mix, heat a little on the micro cup of coffee, and dissolve in it a third of the chocolate powder and dash of liquor. In a bowl, we placed a layer of half the biscuits, and get wet with the mixture of coffee, without actually soak them long before then do not break. Then we take the cheese mixture we did on this cake layer, spreading evenly. Put another layer with the rest of the cakes, and re-wet with coffee. We took the remaining cheese on top and extend well it is very uniform, and sprinkle over the rest of the chocolate powder.
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