dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011


1 kg of squid
olive oil
2 or 3 garlic cloves
2 onions
1 small tablespoon of thyme
1 bay leaf
1 glass of wihte wine
4 tomatoes
100g of almonds
30g of black chocolat


Clean the squit, remove the skin and cut into rings.

Put oil in a skillet and fry the garlic and almonds. When making color, put in the "morter".

Put a little of oil into the same skillet and fry the very small pieces of onion. After, put the squid, bay leaf and thyme. Put the wihte wine and waiting to evaporate the alcohol.

Add the pieces of tomatoes, salt and pepper.

Cook all on low heat for 1 hour, until the squid is tender.

Prepare a minced with the garlic, black chocolate, almonds and put a bit of sauce "de la que hi ha al foc". When the chcoclate is melt, put them into the squid skillet.

Remove the squid until the sauce is thick and put the parsley.

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011


Ingradients (for 6 persons)

50g of butter
125g of biscuits
125g of candied fruit
150g of jam
3 eggs
1/4L of milk
150g of suggar
125g of raisins
1/2 glass of rum


Spread one mold with butter and 50g of suggar.

Put in bicuits and candied fruit with raisins soaked with rum. We were doing layers and the last layer (sigui de) biscuits.

Beat the eggs with 100g of suggar and very hot milk, put them on biscuits slowly.

Cook in a bain-marie for 25 minutes, remove from head but not remove from water for 10 minutes.

Remove from the mold and put the jam on.


Ingredients (for 6 persons)

1 1/2 L of milk
1 lemon
2 eggs
1 loaf of bread
1/4 L of oil
100g of butter


Boil the milk with cinnamon and one peel of lemon. When remove from heat, put in 2 tablespoons of suggar.

Cut slices of bread. Head them and put in the milk two hours.
Drain and batter them with egg.

Fry with oil and butter.

Put bread on one tray with suggar and cinnamon.

diumenge, 6 de novembre del 2011


INGREDIENTS (for 6 persons)

150g of flour
100g of “llard” (fat of pork)
75g of sugar
1 glass of “anis”
1 egg


We mix the flour, the egg, 25g of sugar, the “anis”, the “llard” and salt to a obtain a mass homogeneous.

On a table with flour we stretch the mass. We cut a strips and put together an end to the other.

Now we fry them. Take out to pan and we put them on a paper napkin. Finally sugar is spread on.

Cod with potato fritters


½ Kg of potatoes
2 cuts of cod with out salt
1 egg
1 spoonful of flour
Salt and pepper
1 spoonful of butter


We peel the potatoes and cook them. After cooking them we crush.

We cut the cod in pieces very smalls. Now we mix the butter, the flour, the cod, the crushed potatoes and salt and pepper. Stir them to obtain a mass homogeneous.

We put in the refrigerator. Ten minutes ago we take small portions and we pass them for egg. Now we fry with hot oil.

diumenge, 23 d’octubre del 2011



4 egg whites
1 tablespoon vanilla powder
25g of sugar for containers of paper
100g of sugar


Beat the egg whites until stiff.
Put sugar, vanilla and salt them. Mixed with a move from up and down.
The mass we get put in containers of paper where we’ll spread before.
Put in the oven for 15 minutes with low head and the door open.
When removed from oven should be left to cool.

dissabte, 15 d’octubre del 2011


INGREDIENTS (for 6 persons)

200g of rice
200g of sugar
Cinnamon (in trunk and powder)
The rind of one lemon
1,5L of milk


Wash de rice. Put in a pot of water boil and cook about 5 minutes.
Drain and put in boiling milk.

Cook slowly and put the cinnamon in trunk and the ring of the lemon.
One hour ago, put sugar and stir slowly.

Cook about 5 minutes and remove from heat. Cool and remove cinnamon and lemon.
Put cinnamon in powder over and served.

dimecres, 12 d’octubre del 2011


INGREDIENTS (for 6 persons)

175g of chocolate without milk
30g of butter
4 eggs
80g of sugar
1 glass of rum


Melts de butter and chocolate.

To the paste obtained, put yolks (one at the time) and sugar them. Put whites until stiff too.

Then put the rum and put the chocolate mousse in the refrigerator during 2 hours.

dissabte, 1 d’octubre del 2011


INGREDIENTS (for 4 persons)

500g of watermelon without seeds
500g of tomatoes without skin and seeds
1 green pepper
1 garlic clove
250g bread
2 glasses of water
4 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of balsamic “vinagre”


Cut the watermelon, tomatoes, garlic and green pepper (without seeds). We put them in a bowl and leave them in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

We chop the bread and we cover it with water.

We mix all the ingredients and grind them with a (batidora). We put salt.

If the “gazpacho” is thick we’ll add water. But if we like thicker we’ll add bread.

We put the “gazpacho” in the refrigerator.

dilluns, 19 de setembre del 2011


Dear friends,
I'm Tània, the creator of this blog. The blog is a collection of recipes from around the world. I hope you like them and you enjoy eating and cooking. Remember! We are what we eat.
